Sunday, 3 October 2010

Pi in Your Face?

Watch Pi again.

I've had a few 'Close Encounters' moments this week.. Without the mashed potato. All signs point to my DVD collection.

I recently watched a TED talk by Ron Eglash titled African Fractals which was pretty impressive. It's admirable that there are people like him out there doing research into left field subjects which all too often turn out to be of incredible significance once we begin to understand their meanings. Who'd have guessed that as far as history records, African villages have been constructed as fractal forms?

Next, the Red Ice Radio podcast from way back in 2007 with Jake Kotze. I'm currently (slowly) working my way through a 300 hour download of RIR. This week I listened to Kotze mention Darren Aronofsky's "The Fountain" and "Pi" while discussing (you guessed it) syncromysticism. In particular the idea of the fractal as the 'life code' which is the repeating theme in "Pi". The Tree of Life which is featured in "The Fountain" also appears in evolutionary science as a fractal diagram showing branches of the evolutionary process.

Last night I was listening to the Guardian's excellent science podcast with David Attenborough and Richard Dawkins discussing various points including Attenborough's current, soon to be published research on the Pre-Cambrian, the period before multi-cellular life on Earth spanning seven eighths of the planet's history. Rare fossils from this period were recently re-appraised by Attenborough and others who have now proved them to be evidence of the first complex life forms.

The connection?? Oh yes.. The newly discovered Pre-Cambrian life forms are fractal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice golden ratio gif.

I watched PI about 4 months ago but am ready for another sitting.

I wonder if it's based on John Nash? I started watching 'A Beautiful Mind' the other night, 10 mins in i thought 'This is shit' and watched 'A Brilliant Madness' instead. A documentary about the same guy, which is fucking ace.

I'll post it on kimosabbes new Vimeo channel (same email and password as YT account, give me a shout at McKennaArchive if you need the keys).