Hello my dear
Thanks for all the death threats.
Have you ever viewed the content on my channel?
You seem to have a bee up you twat about my avatar, but this shouldn't worry a man whose blog is full of images of mutilated corpses and death metal album covers.
Get out that closet Lorenzo! The denial of our love is doing strange things to that pretty little head of yours. xxxMwah
I'm too sexy for my tractor
That's funny!
I've only been playing with this prickle for a couple of days and I'm bored of his nonsense already.
He has no brain.. and his English is not good enough to give him a proper insult.
I said he was a computer virus.. I think that's quite accurate.
He's sitting on his potty all day cutting and pasting his random farts from Google translator into whatever space he can find and he thinks he's a guru because he gets a reaction.
I'm fucking off the dumb pan handle twat.
I will continue my Bible cut-up experiments.
Sure, he's 0% fun(da) 100% mentalist.
I've unleashed the satanist community on him so hopefully he'll fuck off.
Nice find with the cut-up machine.
I put parts of exorcism passages from the Talmud in it but the thing with that book is the straight text is infinately more fucked up.
Shalom is going to save us all!
He's at my house right now anointing my feet with oil. I baked him some scones and we are going to play twister after we rub cooking oil all over each others bodies.
Tell him 'The Brotherhood of Satan' now know him by name :D \M/
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