Thursday, 25 November 2010


The most action-packed 90 seconds on YouTube?


Anonymous said...


This film has been playing in my body the past week. When i visited my Nan (She's doing really well)as a parting gift i got a morphine patch and a sheet of sleeping tabs.
Got home, stuck the patch on my forehead and took a few valium (from the home medicine cabinet) as the patch takes a while to kick in. This was a BIG mistake as i was informed a few days later that under NO circumstances these should be mixed. But had already guessed as much by the next morning. The chemical reactions, starting in my torso's vital organs and moving to every joint have been outrageously painful, inflamed & itching like nothing i've ever experienced until it rested in the palms of my hands and soles of my feet...quite the opposite of what i was hoping to happen.

So don't do that...thats clearly what idiots do.

Fuck!! i just noticed the date of this movie is 1996 not 1986...must have been that last good batch of pure cocaine.

The new look is aces. I'll send out the admin keys to you and CC for the Ghost Box. Feel free to tinker.

P.S. i've been removing your album titles in the lables. I've had it set up so its just artists/bands. functions easier as a directory that way.

Kimosabbe said...

Sounds grim.. Your third eye clearly doesn't do drugs.