Sunday, 11 April 2010

Alright Batman

Remember tomorrow


Kimosabbe said...

Super! did you?... if only we had a blog where we can share information. Hope it wasn't important.


grockel said...

Blood bruv.. The Bat signal was a fake.. Seemed to make sense at the time. But I was also being a very drunk cock at the time.

Like the new look for the Blog.. Having a bit of trouble accessing it with my phone though.. Too many pretty things, I think.

Did you catch the next slave ship yet?

Kimosabbe said...

you are a bent tit bag
i thought i'd forgotten something important.

i got carried away with the gifs...too slow now.
i'll lose a few.

..still a land lubber. not looked. £65 a week ponce money. early pension.

hope you are all good

one glove
