Wednesday, 17 March 2010

...abyss iS run.

After 3 days of investigations, letters and a disiplinery i was fired by 'asS ruby sin' for having a cig outside the front of the shop at 3:45 a.m.... on my tea-break. I know. I'm just thankful they didn't get the army involved.
On leaving the store i shook hands and said goodbye to the spineless, rubbish twithead who suspended me, as i passed him having a cig with another manager i often smoked with.
I've not spent time with this grade of human since my school days and the push is a welcome one.
As it turns out spring has arrived and a month or two off sounds lovely.
I think this is a better place to communicate with you Grockel. It feels more kimosabbe and looks blacker than my email account.
Love to all the smurfs.

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